Rising geopolitical tensions in the Great Lakes region have reached a critical point, with allegations surfacing about a coordinated military buildup aimed at destabilizing Rwanda. Recent reports suggest that a coalition of forces, including elements from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Burundi, South Africa, and international mercenaries, was preparing for a large-scale confrontation.
In Kinyarwanda, they say “umutego mutindi uhitana nyirawo”. The duo above set a trap and they walked right into it.
For over a year, a genocidal ideology has been conceived in Kinshasa by Tshisekedi’s team as a final solution to the problems of Kivu, and has taken shape in the North Kivu region. Ndayishimiye very quickly adhered to it during his first visit to Kinshasa from where he left with suitcases full of US dollars. Videos have circulated on this subject on social networks.
Weapons by the thousands of tons began to flow into Goma. Burundian and South African soldiers flocked to support the FARDC soldiers, the Wazalendo militias as well as the infamous Rwandan genocidaires FDRL. As if that was not enough, 2000 Romanian mercenaries were deployed there at a cost of millions of dollars per month. The scene was set and all that remained was to set the date of hostilities. The orientation of the missiles and other long-range weapons pointed at Rwanda leaves no doubt as to the target.
Real accomplices of the macabre project, through thirst for revenge, greed or ignorance are known: South Africa, Burundi, DRC, Belgium and others who supplied the weapons. The “axis of evil”, as described by President Bush, has thus taken its ease in the Great Lakes and the two presidents in the photo, sure of their victory, began to verbally attack Rwanda and boast of coming to liberate the Rwandans.
Doing nothing and waiting for the attack would have been suicidal on the part of Rwanda. Nipping the virus in the bud to help people in danger, seems to have been the radical remedy to definitively eradicate the evil in the Great Lakes region. The rest is now known. All the media have made it their headlines.
As expected, those who have cried scandal and called for sanctions the most are the executioners with their accomplices.
DRC and Belgium leaders, for lack of solutions, are reduced to frequenting salons and other Western chancelleries to demand sanctions against Rwanda, which they alone believe in.
Luckily, those who know the reality, at the UN and the AU, refrain from agreeing with the adventurers of all sides who are the crooks in power in Kinshasa.
Fear has changed sides. Tshisekedi and his friends have already started looking for a country of exile while Ndayishimiye is general panic mode is mobilizing the population to commit a genocide. A country drained of blood without basic resources such as such as medicines and fuel, is not at all able to wage war as spread out frenetically by some international media.
Ndayishimiye crazy speeches are aimed more at the Imbonerakure militias capable of killing with machetes and not at his army in disarray and being defeated in Kivu.
Those who helped prepare the Goma aborted coup against Rwanda should be prosecuted for complicity in crimes against humanity in DRC.