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RIB Arrest A nun for abandoning woman about to give birth

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RIB Arrest A nun for abandoning woman about to give birth

According to Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB), on Wednesday, April 12, 2023, a nun named Twizerimana Vestine, who manages the Kivumu Health Center in the Rutsiro District, was taken into custody on suspicion of neglecting to save a person emergency.

According to RIB, the nun refused when asked by numerous officials to let the hospital ambulance to go and rescue who was about to give birth at the Bukanda Health Center so that she might receive care in the Gisenyi hospital.

“So this resulted in a mother giving birth to a dead child,” RIB continued.

This happened in Rutsiro District, Nyabirasi Sector, Ngoma Cell, Bukanda Village on April 10, 2023.

The nun is currently detained at the Kivumu RIB Station, while her file is being processed to be submitted to the Prosecutor’s Office.

The spokesperson of RIB, Dr Murangira Thierry, reminded everyone to take care of their responsibilities, and provide good and fast services.

“Ignoring the rescue of a person in danger and who could have rescued him or her without harming him or her or others, except as stipulated by law, should be the standard of every person in a position of management or service delivery,” he stated. It should also be values shared by all Rwandans.”

“Those in the health services certainly deserve to take advantage of this, because a slight dereliction of duty to care for people has far-reaching consequences.”

The RIB urged people to obey the law, respect it, and work to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

The nun is accused of failing to save a person in need, for which she faces a prison term of no less than one year and no more than three years, as well as a fine of no less than 300,000 and no more than 500,000 Frw

RIB Arrest A nun for abandoning woman about to give birth
RIB Arrest A nun for abandoning woman about to give birth

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