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Ukraine begins firing U.S.-provided cluster munitions at Russian forces

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Ukraine begins firing U.S.-provided cluster munitions at Russian forces, Lines in the South and East of the Country.

The use of the controversial U.S.-made weapons, which has not been previously reported, follows President Biden’s “difficult decision” to order the delivery of the widely banned munitions last week, a move that human rights groups, European allies and some Democrats criticized due to the risk of civilian casualties.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, referring to cluster munitions on Sunday, threatened to retaliate against Ukraine “if they are used against us,” although Russia has already used cluster munitions in populated areas of Ukraine at least 24 times since the start of Moscow’s invasion on Feb. 24, 2022, according to the United Nations.

Cluster bombs, outlawed in more than 120 countries, explode in the air over a target, releasing dozens to hundreds of smaller bomblets across an area potentially as big as several football fields. Children are particularly vulnerable, as the submunitions can fail to explode until they’re picked up, potentially years after a conflict has ended.

But Ukrainian officials have long requested the munitions, which they say will compensate for their significant disadvantage in artillery, weaponry and troop numbers.

Earlier this week, Col. Oleksandr Bakulin, commander of the 57th Brigade, told BBC News that cluster munitions were needed to “inflict maximum damage on enemy infantry,” although he acknowledged they would not “solve all our problems on the battlefield.”

In addition to front line positions in southeast Ukraine, the cluster munitions are also expected to be used near the Russian-controlled city of Bakhmut, the site of the war’s longest and bloodiest battle,

Russia’s strongholds in the east and south have been densely mined with antitank and antipersonnel mines and trip wires in areas between three and 10 miles deep. The defenses have been successful in stalling Ukraine’s counteroffensive, which began about a month ago.

A Ukrainian official told The Washington Post that the munitions have been fired at Russian positions to break up the trenches slowing down Ukrainian forces seeking to retake territory. The official, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive military operations.

Biden’s move to send the munitions followed months of debate within the administration. The president’s decision bypassed U.S. law prohibiting the production, use, or transfer of cluster munitions with a “dud rate” of more than 1 percent. The dud rate refers to the share of munitions that remain unexploded.

The Washington Post

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