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Friday, September 20, 2024

12 ways to Deal with an insecure boyfriend

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12 ways to Deal with an insecure boyfriend ,you can deal with these types of behaviors and even make them go away altogether. You alone can’t fix those problems, but you can do certain things to make your man feel secure with you.

Now you know the signs of insecurity in a man, here’s how you can handle your boyfriend’s insecurity with ease. Dating an insecure man may not be easy, but there are ways around it.

1. Keep the communication going strong

This is really the most important part of a relationship and oftentimes, the responsibility will fall on the women to keep this up. Men aren’t very good at talking about their feelings and that’s what makes dating an insecure man so hard.

As long as you continue to prompt your man to talk about the things that are bothering him, you’ll be able to work it out. Ask him questions. Tell him how you’re feeling. Just get him talking about how he’s doing.

2. Tell him how much he means to you

He should already know, but hearing it time and time again doesn’t hurt. Knowing you want to tell him how much you love him will make him feel good. He’ll feel as though he doesn’t have to worry about you running off with someone else.

When dating an insecure man, it’s not just about getting him to talk, but you talking too.

3. Figure out how he feels loved

People don’t feel love the same. You might need physical affection or verbal affection to feel love whereas he might feel love through acts of service.

Figure out his love language. Ask what things you do make him feel the most appreciated and cared for. Then do those things more often so he’s not as insecure.

4. Reassure him often

Sometimes you just need to tell him that he has nothing to worry about. Verbally confirm that you’re only there for him and want no one else. It might seem tedious to do this all the time, but it’ll be worth it.

Just don’t overdo it or he might just think you’re saying stuff to throw him off. When dating an insecure man, you have to think ahead of the game.

5. Keep in contact without being asked

Just check in throughout the day. It’s really not that big of a deal. Tell him when you walk from the coffee shop home. Send a quick text when you’re done with work.

You don’t have to give him a play-by-play of your entire day, but just let him know what you’re up to so he doesn’t need to feel anxious and worried.

6. Don’t point out his insecurities

Never point out his insecurities and never mention them in front of his friends. He knows what they are and it’ll make him feel worse if you point them out, especially if you make fun of them.

He also really doesn’t need his friends to know of his insecurities. Guys feel very emasculated when their friends know their weaknesses. Just keep it to yourself if you know about them.

Dating an insecure man means knowing his insecurities but not pushing them in his face.

7. Openly discuss his past

Since a guy’s past can tell you a lot about their insecurity issues, go ahead and discuss it with him. At first, he might not want to open up about it. Make sure he knows you’re willing to talk about anything he has to say so he’ll feel more comfortable going to you.

8. Don’t lie to him about anything

If you lie and he catches it, he won’t be able to trust you. And not having trust will make his insecurities a LOT worse. So if you can avoid it, just don’t lie to him.

Tell him the truth whenever you can and make sure it’s right away. This will build up your trust and that’ll help his insecurities settle down.

9. Let him meet all your friends, even the guys

If anything, he should be meeting the guys you spend time with right away. Otherwise, it’ll be really easy for him to paint them in a negative light before he even knows them. He’ll get really insecure that you’re spending a lot of time with other guys and it’ll become a really big issue for the two of you.

10. Open up about your insecurities

Knowing he’s not alone in his insecurities will help him feel a lot better. So talk about yours! Let him know you have issues too and you’re not always happy when it comes to certain things.

If he feels like he can be vulnerable with you about something you both are dealing with, it’ll be much easier to handle. When dating an insecure boyfriend, you have to be open on both sides.

11. Ask what he needs from you

Be honest and just ask what he needs from you. How much communication does he need throughout the day? What are some things you can do to make him feel better? Knowing exactly what’ll help his insecurity will make your relationship better and that’s a key to dating an insecure man.

12. Prove he has nothing to worry about time and time again

This is easy. Just be faithful and be there for him. Always prove his worst fears to be false. This is all it takes for his insecurities to be less and less prominent.

He’ll still have them, sure. But the stronger and healthier your relationship is, the less he’ll feel insecure.

12 ways to Deal with an insecure boyfriend
12 ways to Deal with an insecure boyfriend

Insecurity is common, but manipulation isn’t okay

Look, we all have our insecurities, but that doesn’t give anyone the right to manipulate another person. If you’ve tried to reassure your boyfriend and he still plays the manipulation trick to try and control you, it’s time to question the relationship.

Dating an insecure man isn’t easy, but if you’re open to trying and he’s willing to do his best, it can work out.

Helping him to work through things is fine, but there’s a line. If it goes beyond that, and you constantly feel like you’re being watched and controlled, perhaps you should walk away from your insecure boyfriend and find someone who doesn’t drain all your energy.

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